In honour of our fellow CCC members and kindred spirits who dedicated so much to cannabis law reform. Thank you for all your efforts on our behalf.

Ian Hunter

CCC member 1999-2002

A true pioneer in the movement and one of Canada’s earliest activist. Ian was the first person to be convicted of selling cannabis seeds in Canada.

(photo:Cannabis Culture)


Lynn Harichy

CCC member from 1999- 2003

Veteran activist who helped bring medicinal cannabis use to the forefront of the country. Lynn purposefully had herself charged with cannabis possession so she could challenge the law for medical users.



Edwin Pearson

CCC member from May, 2005 – Feb. 2010

A great legal fighter who challenged the laws, authored a book, and never wavered in his convictions. As a laymen well acquainted with the law, Ed helped many people fight the cannabis laws in court



Michelle Rainey

CCC member from Aug 23, 2004 – October 20, 2010

Michelle dedicated herself to advancing cannabis politically, culturally and medicinally. She was a tireless crusader for patients rights and her hard work improved the lives of so many people. Her passion, strength and courage will never be forgotten.




Michael Patriquen
June 22, 2011

Michael was a member of the CCC, Leader of the Nova Scotia Marijuana Party, legal exemptee, and a prolific activist who fought for the right to cannabis medicine while in prison



John Cook

November 19, 1964- August 31, 2013
Co-founder of Maritimers United for Medical Marijuana (MUMM), and Director of Cannabis Buyers Club of Canada (Maritimes) and dedicated medical cannabis activist


13083363_10153933706341311_3323421659851069339_n   Marc Paquette

Marc was a warrior who fought the government’s medical cannabis laws. He also ran MedPot.Net for many years.


10383570_10152097827487606_3120546937521151075_nHerb Couch
Herb was a long time CCC member and a very active advocate for cannabis policy reform. he was also active in Educators For A Sensible Drug polcy.


Dr. Lester Grinspoon
Dr. Lester Grinspoon: Dr. Grinspoon was a psychiatrist at Harvard University who authored twelve books, including “Marijuana Reconsidered” which proved to be very influential to the cannabis debate. He was an avid drug policy reformer who will always be remembered for his contributions to the cause.

13445512_1069048359853761_6106425562633807598_nMac Elrod
Honourable Mention, a Friend of the CCC: J McRee Elrod

Mac Elrod hosted a Canadian Cannabis Coaltion Conference in his home in Metchosin, BC in 2001. He was an avid supporter of drug policy reform.

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