Post-Allard Invalidity of Possession Prohibition

Post-Allard Invalidity of Possession Prohibition

Post-Allard Invalidity of Possession Prohibition

I’m looking for your help in disseminating the following information about the current jurisprudence of the marijuana possession prohibition.

The nub of this issue is that the precedent set by J.P., a juvenile defendant (his identity is protected) who was acquitted 3 times in 2003 on the charge of possession of marijuana, is a valid precedent in Canada; and since the Allard decision came down this year on February 24 and became final on March 24, the J.P. precedent means that there is no valid prohibition of marijuana, and there has been no valid prohibition since 2013 July at least.

Feel free to circulate my letter (it was designed for public circulation) and request from their M.P.s that there be some answer given by the government to the issues raised in that letter.

Doug Hutchinson

Letter to Bill Blair: